Weber Lump Charcoal 5KG

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79.00 AED

The Weber lump barbecue charcoal consists of various types of wood from exemplary Forest management, including the following types of wood (origin of wood): hornbeam; Carpinus betulus (Poland, Ukraine), beech; Fagus sylvatica (Poland, Ukraine), oak; Quercus spp. (Poland, Ukraine), birch; Betula pendula (Poland, Ukraine), as well as fruit trees (Poland, Ukraine) and raw material agricultural plantations. The product also contains wood from Namibia responsible FSC®-certified cultivation (acacia, mopane and other).

Get your steaks ready and let the smell of wood embrace the garden as your barbecue heats up. Made from beech, hornbeam, birch, and oak woods, Weber Lumpwood lights fast, burns hot, and imparts a distinct, delicious flavour.

• Made in European Union with responsibly-sourced wood

Part Number: #17825

Ready to use in 15 minutes
100% natural
1,5 h burning time at 180°C

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