+9714 590 4333
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For a Sweet Smoke
Enhance the taste of your grilled chicken with the Poultry Smoking Blend of wood chips. The perfect blend for a mild hint of sweet flavor that’ll take your chicken to a new level of delicious.
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2.50 AED5.00 AED
9.50 AED19.00 AED
59.50 AED119.00 AED
42.50 AED85.00 AED
44.50 AED89.00 AED
39.50 AED79.00 AED
52.50 AED105.00 AED
219.50 AED439.00 AED
64.50 AED129.00 AED
39.00 AED
99.00 AED
49.00 AED
35.00 AED
Reviews Weber 17833 Poultry Wood Chips Blend
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