Plants that love the UAE weather

Plants love beautiful, sunny and warm days, well who doesn’t?

But when these sunny days last most of the year-round, would all plants still love it?


We all know sunlight plays a major role in the growth and development of any plant, as it acts as a source of nutrients and helps with photosynthesis, maintaining the balance of our nature.

Considering the part of the world we live in, where we receive scorching heat, not all plants can thrive to the best of their ability. On the other hand, there are plants that love the sun and especially thrive in these conditions.

Today we will talk about a few of these plants.

Plants that love the UAE weather:


Plumeria’s have the gorgeous power to add a touch of the islands in your backyard. They are native to the warm tropical areas of the Pacific Islands, the Caribbean, South America and Mexico. The fragrant flowers appear in clusters, and also at the ends of the branches. Each flower has 5 petals that are around 2 to 3 inches in diameter. They are related to the oleander and don’t have any nectar in them. You can find flowers in white, pink, red, or yellow colors. However, the most common plumeria found are white in color with a yellow center. Plumeria flowers are widely used for making leis and hence the name Hawaiian Lei Flower. Plumeria flowers are most fragrant at night in order to lure sphinx moths to pollinate them. The flowers yield no nectar, however, and simply trick their pollinators.

Always ensure that the fertilizer you use is high in nitrogen and phosphorous. Use the latter from the early weeks of May. Doing so will help the plants bloom more and more flowers. Avoid watering the plants more than required. This should be done in case the soil becomes really dry.



Bougainvillea, the evergreen plant whose beauty lasts throughout the year. It’s widely used as home décor, ornaments, parks, etc…Bougainvillea also referred to as "paper flower" because the bracts are thin and papery. The fruit is a narrow five-lobed achene. It is a very popular ornamental plant grown in most areas with warm climates. The actual flower of the plant is small and generally white, but each cluster of three flowers is surrounded by three or six bracts with the bright colors associated with the plant, including pink, magenta, purple, red, orange, white, or yellow.

Bougainvillea needs at least 6 hours of sun a day to put on its big show of flowers. This plant loves heat too. Both are essential to bougainvillea plant care. Bougainvillea which is newly planted needs watering more frequently. It prefers a deep watering every 7-14 days rather than more frequent shallow watering.



Delonix regia also called “peacock tree”, strikingly beautiful flowering tree of the pea family. Delonix regia is originally from the exotic land of Madagascar and proved to be extremely virulent in other tropical climates. It was spread across the world long enough ago that it has integrated into local cultures and it's possible nobody actually knows when it left Madagascar. It is A multipurpose tree, it is harvested from the wild for a wide range of local uses, including for medicines, food, timber, fuel and beads.

This tree produces brown, woody seed pods that reach lengths of up to 60 cm; they turn reddish-brown to almost black when ripe. It is easy to care for a Delonix regia tree if it is grown in proper conditions. When the tree is grown in bright and full-sun grounds, it does not require much care.



Olive trees, subtropical broad-leaved evergreen tree. The olive fruit and its oil are key elements in the cuisine of the Mediterranean and are popular outside the region. After many months of being cared for, olive trees give back all the love in the form of olive.

Its leaves, leathery and lance-shaped, are dark green above and silvery on the underside and are paired opposite each other on the twig. The wood is resistant to decay. If the top dies back, a new trunk will often arise from the roots.

Olives can be propagated by cuttings, either by hardwood cuttings set in the nursery row in the spring or by small, leafy cuttings rooted under mist sprays in a propagating frame. Olive trees bloom in late spring; small, whitish flowers are borne in loose clusters in the axils of the leaves. The olive is wind-pollinated. Fruit setting in the olive is often erratic.

Plumeria Obtusa
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Plumeria Obtusa
Bougainvillea Nana Red
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Bougainvillea Nana Red
Delonix Regia, Flame Tree, Flamboyant Tree
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Delonix Regia, Flame Tree, Flamboyant Tree
Artificial Olive Tree 90cm.
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Artificial Olive Tree 90cm.
Olea Europaea -Olive Tree
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Olea Europaea -Olive Tree