Garden plants for UAE summers


UAE's blistering summer is a test as opposed to an obstacle with regards to keeping up an excellent garden lasting through the year. Parched tenders will shrivel and wither bit by bit whenever left outside under the hot harsh sun, however, your garden doesn't need to lose its stylish intrigue on the off chance that you pick your unique planting plan shrewdly. By planning ahead and planting a couple of solid blossoms, trees, and grasses in areas around your plot you can make a flourishing garden house that you can respect whatever the climate. What's more, plants that are not all that solid in the UAE's brutal climates can be given some assistance.

We’ve highlighted some of the best varieties that can stand up to the UAE summer.

  1. Delonix Regia (Flame Tree)

The Delonix regia, or flame tree, should be your go-to if you’re looking to add a splash of color to your garden. Sprouting fiery red, orange, or yellow flowers, the flame tree, native to Madagascar, is typically found in tropical or near-tropical climates. It can grow in open, free-draining sandy or loamy soil enriched with organic matter (avoid heavy or clay soils). The Delonix will lose most of its foliage at the end of each winter, before flowering.

  1. Plumeria (Frangipani)

A popular plant for UAE gardens, the Frangipani or Plumeria commonly flowers with delicate white and yellow petals and dark green leaves, producing a heady fragrance. In 16th-century Italy the flower was used to make a sweet-smelling perfume. Being a tropical flowering plant, Frangipani can tolerate drought conditions and flourish in soil of poor quality and in direct sunlight.

  1. Echinocactus grusonii (Golden barrel cactus)

If you prefer extremely low maintenance plants, you can rely on the cacti family for providing appealing options. These prickly plants can still be pretty, with small flowers budding amid the spikes. Typically, in April, bright yellow or orange flowers appear on the top of the cactus but only after several years – however, they can live for over a century so you’ll get to see several cycles during its lifetime.

  1. Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis (Tropical Hibiscus)

Widely grown as an ornamental flower in areas of tropical weather, the Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis is one of few species that thrives in sand. Also known as the China Rose, the flowers bloom in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, pink and white, with single or double sets of petals. The Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis loves warm and hot temperatures and won’t survive under 10°C. While this flowering plant will flourish happily in the city gardens of the central and southern emirates, it may have some trouble in more rural homes near the mountains during the winter.

Plumeria Obtusa
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295.00 AED

Plumeria Obtusa
Golden Barrel Cactus
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395.00 AED

Golden Barrel Cactus